Breeding advice
The 30 April 2019
Official Performance Check (CP)
It is a question of knowing the quantity of milk produced by each cow, as well as the quality of the milk (Fat, Protein and somatic cells) in order to bring technical advice and to contribute to the genetic program of the breed by providing data for the indexing.
The performance check is made from official protocols, depending on the type, the contract and the number of visits per year. The main protocols present in the Jura are:
Protocol A: control by a technician or weighing agent on two milkings with individual milk samples per cow, for analysis Fat, Protein, urea and somatic cells.
AT protocol: control by a technician or weighing agent on a milking (evening or morning) with a milk sample for analysis.
These two protocols can be broken down into 12,11 or 9 visits per year.
There is also a BR protocol for breeders with robots and a B protocol that corresponds to the performance checks done directly by the breeder.
Technical advice
Techni’lait: technical support every month that takes place on the day of the performance check with immediate evaluation of the results of the performance check (milk per cow, production potential, abnormal falls, projected breeding events …). The technician also carries out a follow-up of the breeding with advice on the feeding, the quality of the milk, the reproduction, the follow-up of the production, the forecast of milk production …
Regu’lait: technical support every month out of step with the performance check. The visit of the technician is done 3 to 4 days after the performance check. The content of the technical support is identical to that of Techni’lait, but it also allows an analysis of the recent results of the milk quality.
Opti’lait: technical support on RDV every two months, which combines the valuation of the results of the performance control and the quality of the milk and advice more targeted according to the expectations of the breeder. This service takes advantage of the CP’s data by having the recent results of the quality of the milk, with in addition to the regular monitoring of the breeding, the possibility of treating a theme at the request of the breeder, such as the breeding of heifers, pasture monitoring, forage management / analysis …
All technical service members have access to the NRJMir service: Energy deficit indicator for cows in early lactation (less than 100 days). Cows at the beginning of lactation have to cope with very high production needs. It is a period where their capacity of ingestion is weak, which requires that they mobilize enormously their bodily reserves and thus the organ which manages the storage of the energy: the liver. NRJ’MIR is an indicator that will make it possible to evaluate, from the milk sample, the effectiveness of the liver to mobilize these reserves and its proper functioning. Indeed, if the mobilization of the reserves is too strong, the liver will produce toxins (ketone body) that are harmful to the overall functioning of the animal and in particular its system is acetonemia. This disorder will lead to declines in milk and reproductive performance up to the complete abatement. This indicator is calculated for animals less than 100 days of lactation and gives a score ranging from 0 (healthy animal) to 2 (animal ketosis). Dietary decisions can be made at the beginning of lactation and even at the end of lactation to prepare the next calving.
In addition to these technical follow-ups, breeders can join complementary services such as:
Fecundilait: This is a pregnancy test made from a milk sample. This test can be performed from the 30th day after insemination. It is made from the same milk samples as those taken for milk quality analyzes. Because of this, it is therefore easily achievable. This service is offered by the technicians to the members of Eva Jura. It is complementary to other pregnancy tests.
Ori automat: the computer tool OriAutomate (OA) allows information to be exchanged between the software of the PLC manufacturers (milking robot, DAC, samplers, …) installed at the farmer’s and the dairy control software and OPA (SIEL , SYNEL). The aim is to avoid duplication of data recording by the breeder and OCL stakeholders.
Milk Quality Monitoring: The Udder Health Convergence Plan: the Veterinary Technical Group and Eva Jura combine their knowledge and know-how to offer a common service. This service called “Convergence – Udder Health” has the ambition to allow breeders to control the problems of cellular levels and mastitis in their breeding. Two levels of service exist:
– Simplified follow-up: realization of a breeding diagnosis by the veterinarian and a technician of Eva Jura with analysis of the results and visit of the breeding, in order to raise the critical points. Elaboration of an action plan to be put in place in order of priority. Balance sheet visit after three months. This visit will conclude either to the solution of the problem, or to the pursuit in in-depth follow-up.
– In-depth follow-up: same basis as the simplified follow-up, with more assistance to the milking and carrying out of samples for analyzes.