Specialized Services
The 30 April 2019
Eva Jura also works in specialized fields. Our interventions are made at the request of the breeders or sectors by technicians specialized in the following fields.
Milk quality
Most of these interventions are done in partnership with the CTFC (Cheese Comtois Technical Center), under the banner of UNILAC, which brings together the various stakeholders in livestock who work on the quality of raw milk.
Intervention in healing when a farm is touched by a pathogen to quickly find the cause of the contamination and put in place solutions to eliminate the pathogen.
Preventive intervention with a CTFC / AOP partnership to prevent the contamination of milk by pathogenic germs.
4 actions are proposed:
– A preventive health diagnosis to detect and avoid the presence of pathogenic reservoir
– A preventive hygiene diagnosis to identify risk factors or practices around milking and the environment that would favor the development of butyric-type germs, staphylococcal coliforms.
– A diagnosis of the microbial flora of milk favoring the manufacture of raw milk cheese. Identify the reservoirs of “good flora” and promote good practices for their development.
Complementary services can be implemented, such as the LactoCorder®, the control of the milking machine, assistance with milking.
Milking machine control: Optitraite® and Certitraite®
Milking equipment, for proper operation, must be checked annually. This control (Optitraite®) is carried out by specialized technicians, within the framework of protocol defined at the national level. The control field also covers cleaning and automatic stalls. The control of the assembly of the new installations is also realized (Certitraite®). Eva Jura is the Project Manager for the Jura (planning and monitoring of controls, training of agents, milking machine commission).
In partnership with the CTFC, Eva Jura set up a service to diagnose and analyze one of the key positions of livestock farming: the milking and washing of the milking machine.
The LactoCorder® is a mobile electronic sampler with a high accuracy. It records all milking data (average milking rate, conductivity, percentage of foam, duration of the preparation phase and end of milking …) and retranscribes them in the form of milk ejection curves of kinetic curves. ejection of milk, cow per cow. Every 700 milliseconds a data is saved. This device also makes it possible to retranscribe curves of the washing machine milking station by station (volume of water, turbulence, washing temperature, conductivity of water).
At the heart of the “cow-milker-machine” triangle, the Lactocorder® provides concrete and quantified elements that make it possible to discern better what falls within one of these three milking parameters and consequently to provide more adapted advice.
The technician visits your farm in the morning and records the data during milking and / or washing of the milking facility. He installs a LactoCorder® per station. In no case, the presence of the technician and his devices disturbs the milking and its rate. After milking and washing, the technician uses two software programs. The first “Lactopro” allows to recover the data in order to exit milk ejection curves. The second “ValoLacto” makes it possible to value all the data. From this last, the technician gives you an oral report by means of visual indicators and sets up with the breeder possible improvement tracks for the treatment and / or washing station (data that can be used by milking machine installer). Then, a few days later, he will send you the minutes and the USB curves of each cow and the washing curves by post.
This new service is intended for all dairy cattle farmers. It can be an individual request from a producer, a collective request by a cooperative or a milk buyer.
Building Council
It is a question of accompanying the farmers in their construction project by providing technical advice on the housing of the animals, the processing block, the storage of the excrement. Plans and an estimate of the project are made up to the deposit of the building permit. Support on the regulatory and subsidy components is also carried out.
Other activities around the building are carried out as atmosphere diagnoses, especially for nurseries, estimates to know the value of buildings in the framework of sale, installation of a young person, creation or modification of a GAEC or an EARL, diagnostics storage capacities of faeces as part of the installation project.
Comprehensive technical and economic diagnosis made jointly by three organizations (CA39, CER, Eva Jura). During a first meeting with the three organizations, the goal is to establish together (breeders and advisers) a concerted and immediate action plan following the combination of all the available data in order to extract the levers of optimization and directions to follow on which to work. This diagnosis is aimed at all farms regardless of their situation (installation, development, cruise) and all systems (standard milk or PDO, mixed farming, conventional, organic farming, with meat workshop, …).
In a second time, a second meeting is planned a few months later or the following year, in order to take stock.
Agrilean is a multidisciplinary service (CER, EVAJURA, CA) whose ambition is to make you gain in technical and economic efficiency for a gain of EBE.
Fodder production: forage balance
Basic elements of milk production, the quantity and the quality of the fodder deserve a lot of attention because it is the first lever of action on the level of production of the cows, the richness of the milk, but also the growth of the heifers and overall reduction of feeding costs.
Eva Jura proposes different approaches depending on the feeding systems, types of forage (hay / regrowth, silage, pasture) and the objectives of each farmer.
Stored fodder: the success of a feeding system depends on securing animal feed requirements. The fodder balance makes it possible to evaluate this fodder safety, it is considered particularly that it is reached, when it is> 3 TMS / UGB.
Grazing management
Before the grazing season, think about the areas available and necessary for grazing dairy cows. Advice on the size of the plots, access, watering, ares by VL necessary according to the period.
During the grazing season, measure the grass (with herbometer) that will determine the growth of the grass (very variable depending on the year but also the region, the type of soil or meadow). These data will make it possible to control from day to day the surfaces to be made available to the herd and to know the number of days ahead of grazing. These data will help the farmer in these decisions on the daily management of the grazing (to remove or put back parcels to graze, turned faster, mowing refusals …).
Observation of plot management and grass heights are important elements in grazing management. Our technicians are all equipped with herbometers that can help them appreciate these heights during a tour in your grazed meadows.
The Franche-Comté Herb Group
Since 2007, a group of technicians has been formed at the regional level. This group aims to work on the valorization of grass by grazing. Among these technicians, the following organizations are present:
- The Regional Chamber of Agriculture and IDELE which coordinates the group
- The Breeding Council organizations of Haute-Saône, Doubs and Eva Jura
- The Chambers of Agriculture of Doubs, Haute-Saone and Jura
The group’s mission is to produce regional references (grass growth, grassland densities …), to produce weekly indicators for grazing management (grass weather) and to organize annual events around the valorization of grazing land. grass.
For any additional information, contact